InBridge4EU meets with CEN experts in London

November 2, 2023

The InBridge4EU project coordinator, Pedro Montenegro (FEUP), was present at the last DIBRST (Dynamic Interface Between Bridges and Rolling Stock) meeting, which took place in London from October 31st to November 1st. DIBRST is a Task Group (CEN/TC 250/SC1/WG3/TG) within Working Group 3 (Traffic loads on bridges) of Subcommittee 1 (Eurocode 1: Actions on structures) of the CEN Technical Committee 250 (Structural Eurocodes).
This group aims to identify and solve open points in the current normative documents related to railway bridge dynamics, namely Eurocodes and TSIs. Pedro Montenegro gave a presentation on InBridge4EU, stating afterwards that “given the objectives of InBridge4EU to solve some of these open points, a very close collaboration between the project and the DIBRST group is expected during the next three years”.
Mentioning the meeting, which was held at the Rail Safety and Standards Board offices in London, the project coordinator thanks Günther Grunert for “the kind invitation and fruitful discussion during these two days”.