Researchers take bridge dynamics to DinEst 2024

October 1, 2024

Maria Dolores Martínez-Rodrigo (UJI), Josep Chordà-Monsonis (UJI) and José Goicolea (UPM) presented papers at the DinEst 2024 conference that took place in Seville in mid-September. The “Congresso de Dinámica Estructural” was organized by the InBridge4EU project member Pedro Galvín (UdS).

Participants were introduced to InBridge4EU with the presentation by Maria Dolores Martínez-Rodrigo, which focused on the project and developments related to Work Package 2. José Goicolea reported ongoing work within the project to define the requirements of dynamic modelling of the bridges in the database, as well as the capabilities of various analysis methods. Josep Chordà-Monsonis addressed the dynamic behaviour of portal frame bridges. The conference proceedings are available here.